There seems to be quite a number of families purchasing laptops to take advantage of the education related tax deductions.
When it comes to the software to put on these laptops, there is a range of very very good free software that is available which will help in keeping costs down. We have a range of this free software installed on all of our computers at school which means that the students work will be compatible with our systems. Here is a list with the website where you can get more information and download it from
Open OfficeAn excellent office package with word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool (powerpoint) and graphics editing. It will read and write Microsoft Office files
GIMPPhotoshop like program – powerful graphics editing
Paint.NetExcellent general purpose graphics editing
PhotofiltreExcellent general purpose graphics editing
IrfanviewGreat graphics tool for tasks like resizing or converting lots of images at once
InkscapeA powerful vector graphics tool lilke Adobe Illustrator
Blender3D Graphics and animation – complex
Google SketchupPowerful and simple to use 3D Graphics
AudacityRecording and editing sound for music or orals etc
KompozerFor making websites like Frontpage
Mozilla FirefoxWeb browser
Mozilla ThunderbirdEmail client
ScratchA fantastic multimedia programming language.
Well, we also have the steak knives because the DECS license for McAfee antivirus allows us to give students this antivirus software from school to install on their laptops and home computers. It is available on our CD’s drive (t:\mcafee\McafeeHomeUse.exe).
This software is allowed to be installed on home computers that students are using and we will be insisting that it is installed on any laptop that is used at school and accessing our network.
Student Laptops can be brought to Clinton or myself for setting up for use on our network so that they can access the internet at school, print and also use drives H: and S:
We hope that this helps and if you need more information please contact me at the school or via email –
Labels: FOSS, free, graphics, home, office, open