Wednesday, March 07, 2007

No excuse for lost work.

From time to time students loose work because of things like their computer crashing, loosing their USB storage and so on. It would be good if the following could be talked about at home as well as at school.

In order to keep their work safe, students need to make sure that there is more than one copy of their work. The following points will help
  • At school ONLY work from drive H:. Drive H: is backed up three times each week.
  • When they want to take work home, they should copy the work onto their USB storage or email it to their home address.
  • At home, copy the work to their work area on the home computer. Often this is in ‘My Documents’ At home ONLY work from this work area.
  • To get the work back to school, copy the work from the home computer back onto the USB storage or email it to their school email address.

The following email considerations need to be looked at

  • The email service that the school is provided with has a size limit of 2MB. Files close to this or larger are rejected.
  • Students have a quote of 5MB on their email. If they do not check and maintain their school email properly, they will quickly fill their quota and not be able to receive further email
Sometimes it is important to keep copies of their work at various stages of their project development. This allows for situations where they need to fall back to an earlier version because of some problems with their later work. Doing this can prevent them from having to start over.



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